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Parenting Coaching-Online Session

Let's plan how to parent with awareness and peace of mind to help your child blossom.

45 min
200 Singapore dollars
Online Meetup


During a coaching session, the coach has multiple roles. The first role of the guide is to encourage his client to have confidence. The coach knows how to listen, shows empathy, and will not judge you in any way. The finesse of the support is based on the art of asking questions aimed at getting the client to open up to the professional. The client will eventually find the solutions essential to achieving his objective by answering relevant questions. Questioning helps to change perspective and break an impasse to explore various options. The coach's intervention makes it possible to avoid going in circles and promotes awareness. Among the fundamental principles of the specialist, the coach brings out specific solutions to the client's problem. Our session will take place online, so here is some information that will help the session run smoothly. Even if we are all familiar with the different tools that allow us to communicate and see each other without physically meeting. I will allow myself a few reminders for the smooth running of our sessions: Please connect 5 minutes before to be able to check your camera and microphone. Please check your name on Zoom; it must match the one used to make the reservation. Please choose a quiet and private location so you will not be disturbed. Please allow yourself 5 to 10 minutes after the session to assimilate all the information exchanged.

Cancellation Policy

(For coaching sessions only). We operate a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel an appointment over 24 hours in advance you will not be charged for the missed session. After that timeframe, the session fees will still apply to the appointment as we have committed the time. We thank you for your understanding.

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