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Self-growth is a journey! 

Mindful Coaching & Consulting is an advisory service for parents who wish to be helped on the journey of parenthood and all the challenges it brings. 

We provide a platform that includes educational resources, book recommendations, relevant articles, and our monthly newsletter.

Mindful Coaching & Consulting also serves educators who want to reflect on their practices and take their academic offerings to the next level.

It is for you, if you would like to raise / educate children in a consistent, respectful environment that provides a favorable learning experience.

It is for you if you are committed to improving your knowledge and teaching skills to support a child's intellectual development and unlock their full potential.



I’m Maria Lamrani Alaoui,

My professional life has been very enriching,

I have had many experiences in different countries, opening up new discoveries and encounters along the way.

I first found my passion for teaching older children (13 yo) and then transitioned to Primary (6 to 10 yo) and finally Early Childhood (2 to 6 yo), which, to me, is a beautiful age.

After working in Africa at the Lycée Louis Massignon in Casablanca and then in Australia at the Lycée Franco-Australien, Canberra, I moved to Asia.


After 20 years working in Education as teacher, trainer and school principal, I have a new exciting project!

I have created my company "Mindful Coaching & Consulting", which is my new baby!

I am  also a parent seeking love, and connection, just like you... 


« Merci Maria. You definitely brought our group of schools to the next level, and were a game changer for our community of families and educators in Asia! Thank you for all your work and I wish you all the best for your new venture! » 

Viviane Salin (Founder La Petite Ecole)



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